Choice Gleanings - March 24 |


March 24 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 1; Psalms 96-98; Acts:24:24 to 25:12

Trust ye in the Lord for ever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. Isaiah:26:4

During the Boxer Rebellion in China in 1900, workers with the China Inland Mission experienced intense suffering. J. Hudson Taylor, the founder of the CIM, was in his seventies and one day said to his fellow Christians: “I cannot read; I cannot think; I cannot even pray; but I can trust.” Perhaps you are going through a time of severe trial. If so, do not fail to trust the Lord. —W. Ross Rainey

Simply trusting every day,

Trusting through a stormy way,

Even when my faith is small,

Trusting Jesus, that is all.

— Edgar P. Stites

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