Choice Gleanings - March 26 |


March 26 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 3; Psalm 102; Acts:26:1-18

But thanks be to God, which put the same earnest care into the heart of Titus for you. 2 Corinthians:8:16

The tendency to put other believers on pedestals can often be simple misdirection. We've been the recipient of an extraordinary kindness, and we do well to be grateful. However, we must carefully remember that every man carries his own share of flaws and failures. As our verse says, the care for other believers is placed within the saint's heart by God Himself. To Him, we must always be diligent to extend our deepest thanks for every good and perfect gift, including our caring brothers and sisters. —Rick Morse

Oh to be saved from mysef, dear Lord; Oh, to be lost in Thee;

Oh, that it may be no more I, but Christ that lives in me.

—A. Whiddington

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