Choice Gleanings - May 29 |


May 29 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Deut. 7:12 to 8:20; Eccl. 9:11 to 10:20; Luke:8:40-56

I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. Revelation:1:11

The Lord Jesus is the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. Alpha and Omega are His glorious titles. He is also described as having "the keys of hell and of death"  (v. 18). It follows that He is greater than all our circumstances. It also follows that we can completely trust Him in all of our circumstances. Are we casting all our cares on Him today? —Mark Fenn

Of the Father's love begotten, ere the worlds began to be,

He is Alpha and Omega, He the Source, the Ending He,

Of the things that are, that have been,

And that future years shall see, evermore and evermore!

— Aurelius C. Prudentius

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