Christians and Jews Combat Witches' Summer Solstice Satanic Spells on Trump |

TBC Staff

Witches around the world cast spells against President Trump…attempting to “BindTrump” on the summer solstice.

The witches have been waging spiritual warfare against the president since Trump took office, but now even Jewish leaders in Israel are expressing concerns about it.

"Witchcraft, or its real name, Satanism, is explicitly a power struggle, which is why it is so readily dragged into politics. Satanism, in its essence, pits the adversary against God," Rabbi Daniel Asore explained to Breaking Israel News.

Asore investigates the dangers of modern Satanism as part of his role as a Jewish leader. He says the witches' spells are just part of a broader growth in Satanism.

"The politicians who believe that man can control all aspects of the world are coming from a belief system based in Satanism, whether knowingly or not."

The witches communicate with each other through a Facebook page called Bind Trump. 

One user says June 21st, the summer solstice will be the "most powerful" binding yet. 

They plan to cast more spells against President Trump on July 21, August 19, and so on, until he leaves office.

Their spell calls for demonic help to bind Trump and cause him to fail. It later calls for spirits to bind "all those who enable his wickedness" as well.

Evangelical Trump supporters are encouraging prayers for the president to counteract the spell.

(Ryan Duncan, “Christians and Jews Denounce Satanic Spellcasting on Trump,” ChristianHeadlines Online, 6/21/17).