The Culting of America |

TBC Staff

I [have] mentioned our friend Ron Rhode's book, The Culting of America. Brandon Smith's "A Study of Cultism Shows Us Why Gatekeeping Against Leftists Is a Good Thing" is an interesting comparison of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's group that attempted to "hijack the state of Oregon in the 1980's" and the current progressive movement in the United States and indeed around the Western world:

"I was particularly struck by the number of similarities between the Rajneesh and today’s iteration of progressive social justice leftists. This is not some loose association on my part; where leftists like to falsely compare everyone that disagrees with them to “Nazis” in order to diminish their views and criticisms, the comparisons between them and religious cultists are so evident it’s mind boggling. I have long said that in order to understand social justice groups we must also understand how cultism works. However, I think this needs to be examined in more detail and the story of the Rajneesh is a perfect allegory.

"How is the political left like a cult? Let’s count the ways…"

Our nation has essentially shifted to full-fledged pagan. The church is truly an embassy in a pagan culture, and believers are ambassadors for Christ. How many are trained and prepared to carry out that ambassadorship?