Emigration | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

Anti-Semitic attitudes in the UK are a leading factor in encouraging aliya [emigration] for British Jews, according to many of those who recently arrived here. On Wednesday, 140 Britons, 140 Canadians and 240 Americans arrived as new immigrants in Israel. Several Jews coming from the UK said the terror threat hadn't dissuaded them from traveling and that other recent developments, notably the response in Britain to Israel's actions against Hizbullah, had increased their desire to leave. "I believe there is no future for Jews outside Israel," said Yossi Vardakis, 19 while on route from London to Israel where he plans to study rather than face hostility at a British university.  "You don't feel really welcomed being Jewish [in England].  You're attacked for supporting Israel . . . You see this hatred coming out" ("Jerusalem Post," 8/17/06).
[TBC: God continues to gather Israel.]