Fanatic Skeptics |

TBC Staff

TBC: Many skeptic's objections to the Bible are themselves unbiblical and provide slim excuses for man's own wrongdoing. Consider the following comments:

"Some religious fundamentalists do not accept the theory of evolution. This theory claims that different species were produced by the natural variation of offspring and gradual selection of the fittest. Instead they claim that God created all of the species of plants and animals during a few days. God, if He so desired, could create a species, such as elephants and giraffes, almost at the snap of a person's finger.

"The passenger pigeon and Carolina parakeet were abundant in the U.S.A. two centuries ago, but are now extinct. If the religious fundamentalists can communicate with God as some indicate, why do they not request God to recreate these species? Such a demonstration might provide a reason to include their religious ideas in school textbooks. In the absence of this demonstration, it would be helpful if the religious fundamentalists would stop interfering with the education of children in science" (Essays on Religion, by Albert D. Warshauer, M.D., 1991).

[TBC: The unsupported generalities within the previous quotes belie the author's claims to rationality. They are also, at heart, excuse ridden. Creationists have long recognized that living beings can change greatly within limits. Whereas there are many types of dogs in all sorts of sizes, shapes, colors, etc., yet they are all dog, and left to their own devices go back to the original form from which they were selectively (design) bred. The doctor is either uninformed or unwilling to correctly state the creationist stand. Considering that his remarks were written in 1991, the former is hopefully possible.

The example of the passenger pigeon and Carolina parakeet is an example of what is call a "straw man" argument. The pigeon and parakeet are extinct due to the folly of man in failing to exercise prudent stewardship over the creation he has been given dominion over. The doctor's response is similar to that of a child which has broken a toy in a fit of anger. The child then takes the mangled toy to their parent with the petulant demand, "fix it and fix it right now!" If the parent had the ability or owned a toy factory, he could indeed take it, melt it down, recast it, and recreate the same toy. This would hardly deal with the real issue (i.e., the child's nature and his failure to recognize and repent of his sin). The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness and an entire generation died for their unbelief. They witnessed miracle after miracle and provisions in the desert, but their hearts were unchanged. As the Lord asked, "How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have showed among them?" (Numbers 14:11).]