Freedom |

TBC Staff

People from every corner of the globe look across the seas and envy America. They want what we have, but fail to understand what produced it -- even homegrown Americans fail to understand what has given them such privilege. They want the fruits of the Gospel of Jesus Christ while, at the same time, hating its principles and practicing the religion that produced poverty and bondage in the land from which they fled. But it is these things that are protected and advocated, while biblical Christianity and the tranquility, justice and morality that it produces are under attack from within and without.

The fruit cannot long remain when the root is destroyed. The benefits of the Gospel that our forefathers advocated cannot long be enjoyed if the foundations are abolished (Dick York, SFMI Jan/Feb 2005 Update).

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek" (Romans:1:16).