Hamas Promises Crucifixion | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

Hamas Promises Crucifixion For Traitors [Excerpts]

Hamas, the Islamic radical group that controls the Gaza, has enacted a new law that allows for Islamic punishments for those who violate Sharia (Islamic law). This includes cutting off the hands of thieves, whipping those caught drinking alcohol, and crucifying traitors (the new law has a broad interpretation of treason).

Many in Gaza do not care for Hamas attempts to set up a religious dictatorship, that includes lifestyle police (as in Saudi Arabia and Iran). Gazans also note that, while Israel allows enough supplies into prevent starvation or epidemics, Hamas controls the smuggling tunnels, which carry a lot of non-essential consumer goods, and Hamas taxes this trade heavily. So Hamas benefits from the Israeli blockade, which keeps out cheaper products. Hamas also tolerates competing terror groups in Gaza, because Hamas knows it can depend on these terrorists to help out if the more moderate Gazans try to rebel. In short, Hamas, once elected to power in Gaza, is never going to give up control. Gaza is, in effect, a religious dictatorship like Iran. And like Iran, Gaza is now dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
