Quotable | thebereancall.org

Murray, Andrew
Meyer, F. B.

It would be indeed a distressing comment on the misused opportunities of our lives, if at the end, we should hear Him say, sadly, to us as to Philip: “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?” Lead me in thy truth and teach me! Help me not only to serve thee but to sit at thy feet. May I follow on to know thee! Teach me to share the fellowship of thy Cross and Grave, that I may one day see Thee take to Thyself Thy great power and reign. Thus, finally, God shall be all-in-all!

—F. B. Meyer, Five Musts of the Christian Life, pp. 116-17

Wherever faith has accepted the Father’s love, obedience accepts the Father’s will. The surrender to, and the prayer for a life of heaven-like obedience, is the spirit of childlike prayer....The children of the Father are here in the enemy’s territory, where the kingdom, which is in heaven, is not yet fully manifested. What more natural than that, when they learn to hallow the Father-name, they should long and cry with deep enthusiasm: “Thy kingdom come!” The coming of the kingdom is the one great event on which the revelation of the Father’s glory, the blessedness of His children, the salvation of the world depends. On our prayers, too, the coming of the kingdom waits. Shall we not join in the deep longing cry of the redeemed, “Thy kingdom come!”?

—Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer (c. 1860), p. 38