Letters | thebereancall.org


TBC Staff

Dear Dave and Staff,
Thanks for another year's supply of TBC magazine, which keeps us abreast of a wide range of topical things, most of which are eating away at the faith once for all delivered to the saints. We in the UK are seeing an acceleration in anti-Christian attitude....Even whilst typing this letter, our 10 o'clock news has just reported Rowan Williams [Arch Bishop of Canterbury], has advocated absorbing some parts of Sharia law within our British legal system....Tomorrow's newspapers will be interesting....We trust the Lord will spare you all for many years, at least to the Rapture! GC (England)

Dear Tom, Dave...and all,
I have been a steady reader of yours since way before your Bend, OR, days. Every time I have come across something in the churches or the world that doesn't seem right, it is only a short time before you will come out with an explanation of just what was troubling me. When my church and the people around me laugh at my warnings I can always count on support from your newsletters and books. JM (KY)

Several years ago I heard you speak at a prophecy conference....I remember being angry with you at the time for some statements you made against Benny Hinn Ministry, etc. I just wanted to tell you that I now concur with your thinking about that....The Word of God is true, nothing else compares. DF (email)

Hello Dave,
Having just returned from my first trip to Israel, I would like to thank you for your voice in the wilderness that cries out for this most beloved of lands. With all the churches in my town openly anti-Israel, liberal, and heading down the wide ecumenical path, it is a breath of fresh air to receive your newsletters. Your material is used to share with the small group in my church that has shown an interest in learning about Israel and her unique part in the Plan of God. AB (email)

Dear Dave and Tom,
I thank God for your internet program Search the Scriptures Daily....I am greatly encouraged by your steadfastness on the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture. You have driven home the fact that life here on earth is but a vapor. I, for many years, have been too overly concerned with earthly things I cannot change. I am now more reliant on the One who never changes, who has always been, and will be, my Lord forever. Thank you for reminding me about eternity. WW (MI)

Mr. Hunt,
I have been a subscriber of TBC for about three years now. I've also been a Christian for that same time....I am 22 years old and in prison....I have...a very strong interest in your newsletters and I eagerly await them every month....I like the fact that you present the gospel for what it is without sugar coating it (or changing it). I also like that you care for my generation and are concerned that it's being seduced.... JM (prisoner, NM)

Dear Mr. Hunt,
While the basis of your ministry is right on the mark...I find that I do not always agree with you. You seem to take too much of a legalistic stand in certain areas....I find Dr. James Dobson and the Focus on the Family ministry to be very helpful and [honoring to] God. Psychology is not something necessarily evil, but a science in that it's a study of human behavior....The conclusions...can be correct or incorrect depending on the worldview of the [observer]....I see the fruit of Dr. Dobson's work to be very good and honoring to God. It's fine to critique other beliefs...in light of Scripture. But I don't agree with having such strong criticism that comes across as unloving....Anyway, I do hope God continues to bless you in your ministry, I have a great appreciation for anyone who devotes his or her life to Christian ministry. MR (MO)

Dear Dave & TBC,
Many prefer not to read what you write, but always you confirm a matter that causes a check in my spirit. You have taken the baton from A.W. Tozer and exposed even more boldly and widely what is wrong but being lapped up by the church. May God bless, protect, and prosper you and give you an even greater measure of discernment. Thank you for enlightening me for years and years. MO (South Africa)