Question: President Clinton’s appointment of homosexuals and lesbians to high office has debased our country. I have never seen a more spiritually sick America! The new Catechism of the Catholic Church says that people are born gay! How would you respond? |

TBC Staff

Question: President Clinton’s appointment of homosexuals and lesbians to high office has debased our country. I have never seen a more spiritually sick America! The new Catechism of the Catholic Church says that people are born gay! How would you respond?

Response: The new Catechism (pars. 2357-58) condemns homosexuality as “grave depravity…contrary to the natural law…[and] Sacred Scripture.” Unfortunately, it also says that its “psychological genesis remains largely unexplained”—thereby implying that homosexuality is not sin but a psychological problem requiring a psychological solution. Denying moral accountability, the Catechism says that homosexuals “do not choose their homosexual condition…[and] must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.” Thus the implication that “people are born gay.”

That no one is born a homosexual can be easily proved. If that were the case, then God made them that way. Therefore (as many homosexuals insist), homosexuality would not be sin but perfectly natural. This view must be false, for (as the Catechism itself admits) the Bible condemns homosexuality as an abominable sin: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them…shall surely be put to death” (Lv 18:22; 20:13).

Nor is the condemnation of homosexuality only for Jews under the Old Covenant. It is restated to Christians in the New Testament. Romans:1:24-32 says that homosexuals/lesbians “dishonor their own bodies between themselves” (v 24), engage in “vile affections,” which are “against nature” (v 26) and “unseemly” (v 27) and do so of their own volition.

Even those who reject the Bible and believe in evolution must come to the same conclusion. If evolution were true, being “born homosexual” might possibly occur, but it would require a specific foul-up in the DNA mechanism and would be extremely rare. That DNA abnormalities of the precise nature to cause homosexuality could repeatedly occur by chance in millions of people of every generation all over the world is preposterous! Evolution would quickly eliminate homosexuality since it works against survival of the race (homosexuals/lesbians don’t reproduce).

Thus, in the secular world homosexuality has always been called “a crime against nature.” Those who engage in homosexuality do so out of choice against both their genes and conscience, and can stop by choice as well. That homosexuals now have a favored status, wield great power and have politicians catering to them to get their vote, can only destroy society.

Homosexuality is a choice and not in the genes; this can be seen in the fact that its prevalence among Catholic clergy is at least 10 times greater than in the general populace. Obviously, chance cosmic rays didn’t zero in on Catholic priests and nuns to make them homosexuals! The cause is the unnatural rule of celibacy, forbidding normal sexual relations provided by marriage, combined with being cloistered together with those of the same sex.

The Atlantic Monthly estimated that “at least one-third of the priests younger than 45 were homosexuals.” The National Catholic Reporter has cited polls estimating as many as 70 percent gays in some seminaries. One celibate priest explains clearly the reason for such high percentages among Catholic priests and nuns compared with perhaps 2 percent in the general population:

The canon law that is taught in the seminary makes it clear who the enemy is: It’s women [and for nuns, men, i.e. normal sex in marriage]. Meet a girl and you disengage. Meet a man, and it’s different. The system is so d— dishonest. My hometown seminary is over 50 percent homosexual, and it’s going higher. It’s as bad as the hypocrisy regarding birth control. (National Catholic Reporter, 5/13/94)

Homosexuality is a sin that results from yielding to temptation. The likelihood is heightened where circumstances prevent normal sexual relationships; and is further compounded when conscience is dulled by the lie that homosexuality is natural and normal to some people. That pernicious lie is promoted through movies, videos, music and the media in general and is taught in public schools under government sponsorship. The approximately 50 percent reduction in life expectancy of homosexuals and lesbians and the spread of AIDS should be sufficient to make this practice abhorrent to all.