June 22 - Choice Gleanings | thebereancall.org


DAILY READINGS: Joshua 3; Hosea:11:12 to 14:9; Luke:20:20 to 21:4

But beware of men... Matthew:10:17

Like a gate sign warning of a dog, our Lord reminds us that the world will be unkind to His ambassadors. Men are reliably evil in the issues that ow from their hearts (Mark:7:21), and rebellion against God's rule will be the epitaph of humanity. Paul said he became all things to all men (1 Cor:9:22) but that was not his ultimate goal. It was the means to his goal—seeing some saved. If we lose sight of that, we will nd out just how treacherous this world can be! —Rick Morse

If I must have some failing, let me rather speak the truth with too great severity, than once to act the hypocrite and conceal the truth. —Martin Luther 

Posted with permission of gospelfolio.com