June 30 - Choice Gleanings | thebereancall.org


DAILY READINGS: Joshua 13; Isaiah:9:8 to 10:4; Luke:24:36-53

Then I proclaimed a fast...before our God to seek of him a right way for us, and for our little ones, and for all our substance. Ezra:8:21

We often pray regarding our own needs. We also pray for our children and loved ones. But do we pray for our substance? Do we ask for guidance in using all that God has given us for His honour and glory? In this day of tremendous debt, are we believers using our substance for pleasure and for our "toys"? We need to be good stewards of our time and money.  —M. Robins

Take my lips and let them be,
Filled with messages for Thee,
Take my silver and my gold,
Not a mite would I withhold,
Not a mite would I withhold. —Frances R. Havergal 

Posted with permission of gospelfolio.com