Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear Brother T. A.,

I want to express my appreciation for the newsletter that I have received for over 20 years now. I thank you for exposing the many false teachers that permeate our society more now than ever, a true biblical sign of these latter days (2 Thessalonians:2:1-3). This is especially seen among some in the Pentecostal or Charismatic movements, who have twisted the Scriptures to a perverted farce, which does more to push the unbeliever further away from God, than to draw them. Our late brother Dave Hunt was a true defender of the Faith, and to see this ministry keep up that good work is a blessing. GV (PA, prisoner) 

Dear T. A. & Staff,

I loved the two-part article on psychology and psychotherapy. You are right on target, as usual! From personal experience I believe this whole thing of psychotherapy is a hoax. They come up with some fancy title and hand you a med, [and] of course you’ll need repeat visits and more meds.

I have several Christian friends who are convinced that their loved ones need this “therapy,” as the Scriptures and truth cannot help. Part of the problem is that those outside the body of Christ choose not to hear scripture and will not receive salvation, leaving them to their own devices. MT (NY)

Dear Berean Call,

In regard to today’s podcast with Mr. Fisher about the Hebrew Roots Movement, I was especially struck with your anecdote about the seminar recently at the University of Oregon with the Jewish rabbi and Muslim cleric. Why would any serious student wishing to understand the relationship between Christianity and Judaism ever consider joining the HRM to become more “biblically Jewish” so as to be more like Jesus? After all, it was the Judaism of Christ’s time (as “eclectic” a mix as you mentioned) that demanded the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus in the first place!

To persuade a believer of Christ to become more like the mob who chose Barabbas over Christ makes as much sense to me as attempting to persuade a biblical Jew to become a biblical Pagan. [One is the] antithesis of the other—just as Jesus was [the] antithesis of the so-called ‘biblical Judaism’ of his time. Great podcast! PS (email)

Dear TBC Staff:

Since the ’90s, I have been both delighted and encouraged by your most vital ministry for the Lord. Thank you so much for encouraging the saints to stay true to God’s Word, in thought, word, and deed. May our Lord continue to use you for His church, so long as He wills it! HG (Australia)

Dear T. A. and Staff:

I struggled with this note because I rarely find fault with the newsletter. I will just state, however, that in the April issue Tom wrote, “If a church holds to the biblical gospel and the biblical Jesus, even if they are buried in a heap of worldly teachings and programs, my recommendation is to attend that fellowship.” I contend that if they are buried by worldly teachings and programs, I would strongly suggest they also have false teaching. JA (OR)

Dear TBC:

I know a lot of Christians who went to see the Mel Gibson movie with high hopes of seeing a movie where the bad guys weren’t the ones wearing the collar or to see (in this case) Jesus Christ portrayed a little more accurately than the usual tripe of the Hollywood way. I know a lot of disappointed Christians. But really, Mel Gibson? 

What made people think Mel Gibson (or the movie industry) would get anything about Christ’s life right? That’s like asking one political party to produce ads for their opponents. Seriously? PA (email)