Loving God | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

Loving God [Excerpts]

Because all are to love Him, we know that the God who is love indeed loves and desires the salvation of all. Yes, God loves even a Hitler as well as an innocent child, because He is love (1 Jn:4:8, 16) and cannot but love man whom He created, no matter how rebellious and hateful toward God. Surely the love of the infinite God must itself be infinite. That fact was proved at the Cross, where Christ paid sin’s penalty for all mankind, asking His Father to forgive even those who nailed Him there and who mocked Him in His agony. It is only in gratitude for such divine love that we can love God as we ought. The command is to love God “with all thine heart.” We are to be devoted wholly to God! The hundreds of usages of this word in the Old and New Testaments make it clear that the “heart” was created in man so that he could willingly and lovingly yield it to God in response to His love. Man is not a puppet. He is a voluntary, knowing participant with God. To be saved, one must believe the gospel with one’s whole heart (Acts:8:37; Rom:10:9). In the gospel, which we must believe to be saved, “God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom:5:8).
