Letters | thebereancall.org


TBC Staff

Dear TBC,
Thank you for being there....I tried to imagine what my scriptural awareness would be like if I had not your teachings over the years, and I can tell you that my understanding would not be nearly as substantial. Not only are you marvelously skilled at filling in the gaps of the meat of the Word--even the "by-word" one-liners that punctuate your texts are gems. Like when you once said we all come from the blood of Noah (every time I remind people of this, their perspective of race and man's history is changed), and that children believe in God until they are taught not to. My favorite is..."The Bible is God's love letter to man." I've been contemplating His love and its depth ever since. Jesus knows how to lead one to His anointed teachers. I thank the Lord for your gifts. DC (prisoner, GA)

Dear Dave and Tom,
The Lord recently used your ministry to reveal to me the ever-increasing mystic teachings in the church that I realized I was being misled by. I pray that the Lord will use your ministry to open the eyes of others the way it has opened mine. AE (CA)

Dear TBC,
It is valuable, if sad, that much of what occurs within ["Christianity"] today is deceptive, ecumenical, ritualized, and full of error. Exposing the...contrary beliefs of Robert Schuller, Harold Camping, Rick Warren, et al., may sound to the blinded sheep as divisive and critical, but it is necessary. The media paints us all largely with the same brush....People do not go to church to worship--they go to be entertained and feel good after a 15-minute sermonette.... JW (PA)

Dear Mr. Hunt,
The Berean Call is always eagerly read and passed from person to person in our family. We have several of your books, and they are read and referenced often. Your book An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith is one that has made quite an impact on my life, and one that I read again and again. It is also one that we have read aloud as a family. Our family often feels quite alone in regard to our faith. There are so few that hold "fast the faithful word" and strive to be obedient to it. Though such distance divides us, we feel such a fellowship with you as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Perhaps someday we can meet on this earth, and if not, we will rejoice to see you in our heavenly home. SP (MO)

The Berean Call,
[Regarding TBC, 3/08, article, "Ancient-Future Heresies"] You know, you're absolutely right! Nobody knew anything until Luther and nobody knew how to interpret it until you! The Holy Spirit just up and abandoned the church right after John wrote his last book and never came back until Luther. Jesus just up and lied when he said hell would not prevail against the church to throw us off and let all the millions of Christians from A.D. 100-1500 go straight to hell!....Take me off your mailing list. I have only gotten angrier with each of your newsletters, and I'm tired of the disinformation you dish out. By the way, I'm not Roman Catholic, nor am I for the ecumenical movement. KL (FL)

Dear Tom,
Recently reread your articles in the February and March newsletters, "Evangelical Mysticism" and "Ancient-Future Heresies"-- a very frightening and informative bit of information! It grieves me deeply to think how many people are being led astray by what the world calls wisdom but what God calls foolishness (Rom:1:18-32). And from this passage of Scripture we learn that when men disregard God and His Word, things only get worse (1 Cor:3:19-20)....I've believed for a long time that when people band together to promote and support one another or some cause other than Christ, they usually end up compromising the Word of God in order to maintain unity for the sake of the cause. The supposed good they are trying to accomplish becomes more important to them than Scriptural purity....This is the worldly way; this is the popular way; this is the way of Purpose Driven and Emerging....It's very easy and quite natural to get involved in some project that so captivates our minds that we begin to neglect and then forget the proper application of God's Word, not even realizing that we have substituted human wisdom for the truth of God's Word. RA (CA)

Dear Brother Dave,
I live in Denmark, where the Lutheran State Church teaches that one is born again through water baptism, and I was so glad to read your article on the subject [3/95,"Baptismal Regeneration?"] that I translated it to Danish and made it available on my website....I hope it will be a blessing to many that they may realize that they need to repent and believe the Gospel to be born again from above by the Spirit of Christ. MW (Denmark)