No Going Back |

TBC Staff

One of the consequences of the Welsh Revival of 1904 was a great missionary effort from Britain and Europe to North-East India. These missionaries were not welcomed, but one Welsh missionary converted a man, his wife, and two children. Well, you know what happens once the flame catches. Many more came to Christ as a result.

The village chief called the villagers together, as well as the family of converts. He ordered them, on pain of death, to renounce their faith before the whole village. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the man composed a simple song that has become famous.

I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back, no turning back.

It is worth reading the testimonies from India in the comments.

In church we have been going through 1 Peter. Chapter 4 begins with a remarkable call to live for the will of God, and not for our passions, 'For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do...' (v3) Peter is telling them, and us, that we have had more than enough experience of sin in the past and, as the new people of God, there is no going back.

Among the sins of the Gentiles - passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties - he lists idolatry. In can be tempting to use this ministry as a reason for going back, to spend time in the familiar company and surroundings of what we have left behind, to make an idol of our past experience. I know people who have done this, I am sure you do too.

I personally deal with this by reminding myself that this is a Christian ministry. I regularly go to a good church, fellowship in a healthy Christian fellowship, and sit under the preaching of the word from faithful servants of God. Today we were in 1 Peter 5.We learned that, just as the elders are responsible for serving and encouraging and caring for the flock, so we are be a help and encouragement, in all humility, to each other in the things of God.

As we help others come from the cults there is always the temptation to look back, like Lot's wife, to entertain romantic thoughts about our past experience ('Why can't the Christian Church be more like...') I've heard it said.. The best way to encourage those who have decided to follow Jesus is to encourage them to the word, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the prayers in a good local congregation. (Acts:2:42) No turning back, no turning back.