Nuggets from Countdown to the Second Coming—A Lesson from the Past (Part 1) |

Dave Hunt

The situation in the church today is reminiscent of the last days of Israel’s kingdom. Instead of heeding God’s Word, God’s people consulted spirit mediums (Isaiah:8:19). Israel had sunk into the mire of occultism, astrology, and idolatry (Jeremiah:19:4, 5, 13; 32:29). Immorality was rampant even among the priests (Ezekiel:16:15-59; Hosea:6:9). God’s righteous judgment was about to fall, as it is upon today’s church and world. Nebuchadnezzar’s army would be the instrument, and the long Babylonian captivity for God’s chosen people would begin.

Israel desperately needed rescue from a merciless, invincible invading army, but deliverance could come only through repentance and submission to her Lord. Patiently, God had sent prophet after prophet to indict Israel for her rebellion, idolatry, wickedness, and occult practices and to plead with her to repent, but she would not. She needed to face the truth but turned instead to the numerous false prophets who lulled her to sleep with their soothing lies. Their “positive” message was far more appealing than the “negative” pronouncements of those who spoke for God. In the face of misleading assurances that all was well, Isaiah gave solemn notice: “There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked” (Isaiah:57:21).