Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

Psychology comes out of the occult, is not scientific, and many of its leading professionals admit that it is destructive. The same legitimate criticisms that can be leveled against secular psychology apply equally to so-called “Christian” psychology. Yet is has invaded the best pulpits and is a large part of the curriculum in Christian universities and even seminaries. Several years ago Jerry Falwell notified his mailing list:

“Next Sunday I will announce on National Television an historical breakthrough to the Body of Christ. The impact…will excite the Christian world, and launch us into a new era of ministry…. There are simply not enough trained Christian Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Pastors to meet the counseling needs of the teeming masses who are crying out for help. Liberty Institute for Lay Counseling will provide the necessary training…. You can be one of these…! Picture this…! Dr. Gary Collins and his staff…are there [in your home] with you via audiocassette….”