Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

PK leaders have avoided telling the truth about PK’s relationship with Roman Catholicism. That truth, however, can no longer be hidden with the publication of the cover story in Our Sunday Visitor [a major Roman Catholic newspaper] for July 20, 1997. Here are some excerpts:

“Promise Keepers…has taken steps to attract even more Catholic men to its events…. At its March meeting, Promise Keepers’ board of directors welcomed Mike Timmis as a new member…a longtime leader in the Catholic charismatic renewal. At several rallies this year, Promise Keepers has spotlighted Catholic evangelist Jim Berlucchi as a speaker. In June, Promise Keepers hosted a “Catholic summit” at its headquarters in Denver, sounding out Catholic volunteers and leaders from around the country. And earlier this year, Promise Keepers amended its statement of faith, revising the lines that Catholics had found offensive….”