Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

The tragic truth can be found in a book titled Am I Going to Heaven? Written by Covenant House director Sister Mary Rose McGeady. The book’s title comes from its first story in which Sister McGeady tells of a 17-year-old girl who is about to die:

“She tried to lift her head up from the hospital bed pillow…but she couldn’t….

‘Sister, I need to know something,’ she whispered. ‘Please, tell me something.’

‘Anything, Michelle,’ I said. ‘What do you want to know?’

‘Sister…am I going to Heaven? Even a street kid like me…?’ I bent down and hugged her, and told her I knew God had a special place for her. I told her how much I loved her, and how much I believed in her…. She cried in my arms, and whispered a ‘thank you.’ The next day, Michelle died in her sleep.”