Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

At the Atlanta, Georgia, Promise Keepers conference that saw 39,000 clergy gathered together, PK founder Bill McCartney said, “This is a dream come true…. It is exciting to see the denominational barriers come down as we have Protestants and Roman Catholics [and Mormons] here together. The purpose of this meeting is to have the unity of the church.” The conference brought together the World Council of Churches, National Council of Churches, Pentecostals, charismatics, evangelicals, Mormons, and Roman Catholics, including 600 priests. Promise Keepers Vice-President of Pastoral Ministry, Dale Schlafer, who organized the conference, declared that this new unity is not built upon doctrine but upon relationships. Texas pastor Tom Watson warns:

“Shouldn’t it be of some concern to us that the call for unity at the expense of doctrine not only comes from evangelicals but also from the apostate WCC and from New Agers who gain their wisdom from discarnate entities? Doesn’t the Scripture warn us that this day would draw near? (2 Timothy:4:3,4).”