Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Angels, Ghosts, Discarnates, and the Occult |

Dave Hunt

In A Book of Angels (1990), author Sophy Burnham tells how a skiing angel saved her life on the slopes. In the next five years, more than a hundred books about angels were published by various authors. Even atheistic psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross claims to have “spooks … guardian angels, whatever you call them” who speak to and guide her.

G. Richard Fisher, an astute cult watcher, notes that “The book Ask Your Angel …

blatantly admits that conversing with angels is … ‘divination,’ a practice strictly

forbidden by God (Deuteronomy:18:10-12) that can have disastrous consequences (1 Chronicles:10:13). … Islam and Mormonism sprang from purported angelic visitations. And as for seeking involvement with angels (Colossians:2:18), Paul says, ‘Off limits … !’ Today’s angel mania is a direct violation of Scripture.”

One of Satan’s most useful tools and Roman Catholicism’s greatest modern heroes

(soon to be canonized by Pope John Paul II as the first step to sainthood) was Padre Pio. As a novice monk, he asked and was granted permission by his superior to suffer for the sins of the world—a clear denial that Christ fully paid for our sin by His suffering on the cross. Pio manifested the stigmata (bleeding) from hands and feet for 50 years. He testified that multitudes of spirits of the dead came to visit him on their way to heaven to thank him for paying for their sins with his sufferings so they could be released from purgatory. Other monks testified that they heard multitudes of voices talking with Padre Pio at night. And this anti-Christian flaunting of occultism is praised by the Vatican!

Catholicism teaches that Christ’s suffering on the cross was not sufficient to get

anyone to heaven. The suffering of good Catholics or a Padre Pio will do what Christ’s suffering failed to accomplish. Here we have a major contradiction not only between Catholicism and the Bible but within Catholicism itself. Vatican II declares that, in addition to Christ’s suffering, each person must also suffer for his own sins. That is the reason for purgatory. Yet Catholicism also declares that indulgences reduce or eliminate that suffering and that others can suffer in one’s place—so one doesn’t have to suffer after all.

The Padre’s heavy occultism also involved “angels.” Typical is the following:

“Padre Pio … ‘met’ his own guardian angel as a youngster and occasionally received

counsel from him. …Padre Pio frequently sent his angel to someone who needed help [and others’ angels came to him]. For example … an Italian girl … sent her angel to ask for good health for her Uncle Fred. The girl then decided to visit Padre Pio for the first time. When she approached him, he joked with her, ‘Your angel kept me up all night, asking for a cure for your Uncle Fred!’ The mother of a desperately ill infant also sent the baby’s angel to ask Padre Pio for prayers. As soon as she did so, she saw her tiny child shiver as if something had touched her. Although the doctors were mystified, the baby quickly improved. …”