Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Life Is an Illusion—So Make Up Your Own! |

Dave Hunt

Much credit for bringing Eastern mysticism into Roman Catholicism and the West goes to Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. As a young girl, psychologist Jean Houston (who led Hillary Clinton into “contact” with former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt) was heavily influenced by de Chardin. Houston claims that the techniques she teaches for activating the imagination open the person to a new reality. Echoing de Chardin’s Eastern mysticism, she claims that this alternate reality is more real than the “cultural trance,” known as “normal waking consciousness…in which we all dream the same dream, more or less, and call it: reality.”

Carl Jung wrote introductions to some of the first Western editions of books on yoga and Eastern mysticism. Reflecting the Hindu view that life is but a dream, Jung was obsessed with dreams and their interpretation. In one dream he saw himself in yogic meditation representing his “unconscious prenatal wholeness….” In commenting upon the dream, Jung declared:

“In the opinion of the ‘other side’ [i.e., the communicating spirit guides] our unconscious existence is the real one and our conscious world a kind of illusion…which seems a reality as long as we are in it. It is clear that this state of affairs resembles very closely the Oriental conception of Maya.”

Jung claimed to have received multiple communications from the “other side.” The messages he received were consistent with the vast majority of such communications—proving again a common source and identifying it beyond dispute. Over and over, Eastern mysticism rears its serpentine head. Ramtha’s message is no exception: “You are God, and therefore capable of creating any reality you desire, if not now, then in a later incarnation.” Again it is Hinduism’s belief that all is maya, or illusion. Houston’s goal is to deliver us from this common delusion so that “…we will one day look back astounded at the impoverished world of consciousness we once shared, and supposed to be the real world—our officially defined and defended ‘reality.’”

Yoga was developed to escape from this unreal world of time and sense and to reach moksha, the Hindu heaven. With its breathing exercises and limbering-up positions, yoga is promoted in the West for enhancing health and better living—but in the East it is understood to be a way of dying. Yogis claim the ability to survive on almost no oxygen and to remain motionless for hours, free of the “illusion” of this life.