Nuggets from Occult Invasion—A Major Beachhead for the Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

In the 1960s, Timothy Leary, the Pied Piper of Harvard, led mesmerized youth into spiritual experiences that materialistic science had told them did not exist. Leary’s LSD (and other psychedelics) turned out to be the launching pad for mind trips beyond the physical universe of time, space, and matter to a strange dimension where intoxicating nectars were abundant and exotic adventures the norm. For millions it was a “mind-blowing” experience that forever changed their lives.

Rock musicians played a key role in leading two generations of youth into drugs. Often the music was written under the influence of psychedelics and the concerts became one huge drug party. Leary called the Beatles “the four evangelists.” Listening to the Beatle’s album Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Leary said, “The Beatles have taken my place. That latest album—a complete celebration of LSD.”

The drug movement of the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s established a major beachhead for the occult invasion of Western civilization. Alan Morrison writes:

“At that time, a new counter-culture was formed which opened up the youth of that period to a massive infestation of demonic influence and extreme sinful behavior. Central to this was the use of hallucinogenic and mind-altering drugs such as Marijuana, Cannabis resin, Lysergic Acid Dithylamide (LSD), di-Methyl Tryptamine (DMT), Mescaline, Peyote and other fungal concoctions.”

Millions subsequently discovered that they could get as “high” or even “higher” through various techniques of Eastern mysticism (TM and other forms of yoga, visualization and hypnosis). Thus was born something called “New Age.” Hindu and Buddhist occultism penetrated every area of Western society, from psychology and medicine to education and business. Numerous yogis and gurus, such as Vivekananda, Yogananda, Maharaj Ji, Maharishi Mahesh yogi, Baba Muktananda, and others quickly realized that drugs had opened the Western mind to their message, and they invaded our shores.

Sorcerers and sorceries are condemned in the Old Testament (Exodus 7; Isaiah 47; Jeremiah 27; Malachi 3). In the New Testament sorcery and sorcerers are again denounced (Acts:13:6,8; Revelation:9:21; 18:23; 21:8; 22:15). Today’s word for sorcerer is shaman; and the Greek word translated sorcery in the New Testament is pharmakeia. The shaman must enter an altered state of consciousness to obtain his spirit guide and effect his sorcery, and often the means of doing so is through mind-altering drugs.

The popular use of psychedelics and the accompanying involvement in Eastern religions is in the process of transforming Western society. The effect upon two generations was summarized in the following story in the Los Angeles Times:

“Joyce [Lyke], the granddaughter of a Southern Baptist preacher, is studying under a Sufi mystic in Berkeley. Her husband [Brian], a former Presbyterian minister, laughingly calls himself an evangelical Taoist. Brian stops laughing when asked what religion he is passing on to his children…. Said Brian, “I don’t know about the kids. I’m not indoctrinating them in anything, really. We don’t go to church…. At Carmel High School, where Karina [Lyke] goes to school, some of her friends are starting to experiment with LSD and purportedly hallucinogenic psilocybin mushrooms. Her parents see psychedelic drugs as a key to their own spiritual awakening and cannot see themselves advising their daughter to ‘just say no.’”