Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Near-Death Isn’t Death |

Dave Hunt

One of the most obvious pieces of misinformation promoted by Satan through so-called “clinical death” is that those who return can tell us what it means to die. The very name given to this phenomenon (near-death or clinical death) indicates that these people haven’t really died and come back—that would be a resurrection. Therefore, they don’t have anything to tell us about death, a state which they haven’t yet experienced.

That Satan is using this altered state of consciousness to his own ends is quite apparent from the fact that those who “come back” almost invariably promote a major lie from the serpent: that we don’t really die. Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, who interviewed more than 20,000 survivors of clinical death and who has become deeply involved in the occult, claims that “death does not exist.” According to Raymond Moody, a medical doctor whose 1976 book, Life After Life, sold millions of copies and began the NDE craze, a major effect of the NDE upon almost all who experience it is that they no longer fear death. Dr. Moody, too, has gotten deeply into the occult, contacting spirits of the dead through mirror gazing. One news report said:

“’Even my two wonderful kids (ages 22 and 19) were a little worried this time,’ Moody admitted. … But the doubting offspring have now become believers, as have thousands of people who watched a recent Oprah Winfrey Show featuring Moody. The nation’s top-rated talk show sent two skeptics to visit the former grist mill in Alabama that Moody has converted into a place to experience encounters with dead loved ones. … There was a Harvard professor of medicine and a WTBS sports producer. … Both were to attempt encounters in the space of one day, without the sort of careful preparation with subjects that Moody has used in the past. …

The Harvard professor … [saw] a vision of her dead mother; the TV producer … a vision of his dead father, all to the surprise of many in Oprah’s audience of 14 million. …

‘Mirror gazing will be accepted again, absolutely,” Moody insists. ‘I have no question in my mind it will be verified as valid … that process has already started.’”

To be able to see and communicate with those who have died is taken as proof that we don’t die. That lie is repeated frequently by alleged discarnates in séances. The supposed spirit of Bishop James Pike’s dead son stated was that his mission was to show that there is no death. He went on to say that God is not personal but “the central Force,” and that Jesus was not the Savior but merely a highly evolved man.

Those who return from clinical death almost unanimously deny death and judgment as the Bible presents it. The experience of apparently slipping out of this body and moving on to the next level of existence is so beautiful (so they say) that most of those involved have no desire to return to Earth. They testify that there is no judgment to face after death—only a “being of light” who accepts everyone without question, then restores them to life. For example, Ken Vincent writes of his experience:

“The white Light was wonderful! It was just love. I knew my life would be reviewed. … I knew I had done things that I was not proud of, but there was total acceptance.”

A rash of bestselling books with similar stories followed Life After Life. The accounts

of those who “died” and came back to tell about it are still popular on talk shows. One of the most popular yarn-tellers was Betty Eadie, who assured listeners and readers that everyone goes to heaven, as she did when she was clinically dead and was “literally embraced by the Light, Jesus.” Her book, Embraced by the Light, quickly made the New York Times bestseller list and sold well in Christian bookstores because it presents the lie which most people want to believe.

Eadie passes herself off as a Christian, dedicating her book “To the Light, my Lord

and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom I owe all that I have.” In fact, she is a Mormon whose “Jesus Christ” is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible, and her book and lectures contain considerable Mormon doctrine, including almost the entire spectrum of occultism and satanic lies:

“I learned that we are all divine … each and every one of us is divine, perfect.

The LDS Church is the truest Church on the earth.

[I] watched as our spirit brothers and sisters entered physical bodies for their turns upon earth.

There are many paths to God. … All religions upon earth are necessary because there are people who need what they teach.”

Damion Brinkley had two “near-death experiences” which Dr. Raymond Moody calls

“probably the most remarkable in the world.” His story is told in two books, Saved by the Light and At Peace in the Light. Fox Television made his experiences into a movie. In the following summary by a reviewer, notice the same anti-Christian occult elements, from the “white light” and human godhood to no death and no judgment:

“Struck by lightning and pronounced dead for 28 minutes … [Brinkley] had the usual out-of-body experience in which he watched his wife and paramedics try to save him. … He encountered a council of 13 beings of light, who … gave him a mission to return to Earth and build centers where people could heal emotionally and spiritually [with a false gospel].… Brinkley … argues that … there is no heaven or hell as described in Christian terms. … God is light, pure love and energy all at once … and the realm where God resides … is fantastic … filled with … ‘beings of light,’ where a city of crystal cathedrals emanates with powerful love. We were all beings of light once; some … courageously decided to come to Earth in order to co-create with God. … ‘We are not poor, pitiful humans trying to have a religious experience. We’re great, awesome and mighty spiritual beings trying to have a human experience,’ he says. …Faith is not a requirement, there is no judgment … just the life review serving as a reminder that love is the most powerful force in the universe.”