Nuggets from Occult Invasion—A Plea for Some Rational Thinking! |

Dave Hunt

There is no right or wrong in nature. Clearly it is not “wrong” for a volcano to spew forth poisonous gases. Whatever nature and her offspring do is simply “natural.” If man is a product of nature through evolution, then whatever he does must likewise be natural. Therefore it cannot be wrong for a man-made factory or aerosols to spew forth pollution, and if we were part of nature we wouldn’t make rules against pollution. There would be no concern for the ecology and no environmental movement whatsoever if man were really the product of evolution.

As for all the furor that is raised over the possible extinction of a species, such as the spotted owl, hasn’t evolution been doing away with species for millions of years? Nor has any species ever tried to rescue another species from extinction. Then why should man be the first to do so? By destroying creatures standing in his way, man, as the ultimate predator, would only be fulfilling his evolutionary purpose as the “fittest” species which is able to “survive” at the expense of all others.

To stop loggers from felling trees because it might cause the spotted owl to become extinct is to work against the natural forces of evolution! In fact, it would be interference with nature to prevent a hunter, if he is truly part of nature, from shooting a buffalo or another man. Why should a man be prevented any more than a wolf or coyote or lion from killing his prey?

Honest logic discredits the environmental movement and the evolutionary theory behind it. One cannot believe both in evolution and ecological preservation of species or habitats. There should be concern neither for “endangered species” nor for the ecological well-being of this planet. If evolution is a fact, then if man, as a result of the evolution of his brain and nervous system and psyche, destroys the earth in a nuclear holocaust or some other ecological disaster, in the big picture of the evolving universe that must be accepted as progress, since it was brought about by evolution.

On the other hand, the mere fact that man can reason about ecology and survival of species, including himself, indicates that he is not the product of such forces, but, having the power to interfere with them, must have a higher origin. Obviously he didn’t make himself.

Clearly, man is not the evolutionary offspring of nature but was created in the image of God. Only an intelligent Creator could have brought mankind into existence. That being the case, the solution to human problems is not in getting back to nature and listening to the earth, as we are being told, but in getting in touch with the God who made us and in submitting to His will.