Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Rejection of the Rapture |

Dave Hunt

This Roman Catholic teaching that the church has replaced Israel, by placing the focus on an earthly kingdom led to a rejection of the biblical teaching that heaven is the Christian’s home and hope. A rejection of the teaching of the rapture of the church to heaven then followed naturally. Thinking it is the new Israel, the Roman Catholic Church conceives of its mission as establishing the kingdom of God on earth. Because many Roman Catholics do not understand this dogma, Scott Hahn, a professed evangelical convert to Catholicism and now one of its ablest apologists, declares earnestly, “I would do anything to get Catholics to believe that the Church is the rebuilt Kingdom of David, the new and true Israel.” In Christifideles Laici, John Paul II prays thus to Mary: “O Virgin Mother, guide and sustain us…. Enable us to do our part in helping to establish on earth the civilization of truth and love….”