Nuggets from Occult Invasion—The Seduction of Youth |

Dave Hunt

Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and known as “the philosopher of the United Nations and its prophets of hope,” is one of today’s leading figures in global education. He is the chancellor of the University of Peace in Costa Rica and founder of The Robert Muller School in Arlington, Texas, as well as the author of its World Core Curriculum Manual, which is widely used by educators in many countries. Muller considers himself a good Catholic, as does his church. One of his prized possessions is a “golden crucifix given to him by Pope John Paul II.”

Muller is a major contributor to the occult invasion. His “god” is a “mysterious force which rules the universe” and is acceptable to all religions. To save the world, he would indoctrinate youth with a universal spirituality (i.e. the occult) for which he has developed the curriculum. Former U. N. Secretary-General U Thant, a dedicated Buddhist/atheist, is one of Muller’s spiritual mentors. In his farewell address to the United Nations in December 1971, U Thant let it be known that global education must be spiritual but not religious:

“I would attach the greatest importance to spiritual values…. I deliberately avoid using the term ‘religion.’ I have in mind…faith in oneself, the purity of one’s inner self which to me is the greatest virtue of all. With this approach…with this concept alone, will we be able to fashion the kind of society we want… The need for global education must transcend material, scientific, and intellectual achievements and reach deliberately into the moral and spiritual spheres.”

How does “faith in oneself, the purity of one’s inner self” work for those who are not pure? Both the Bible and everyday experience agree that all people are sinners. How can anyone, much less a world leader, trust the future to an inherent goodness in mankind which history denies? Nevertheless, those in control are determined that global education for the next generation of youth will embody a spiritual development of the god within.

This theme was prominent at the Second Annual State of the World Forum in October 1996. Organized by the Gorbachev Foundation, the Forum drew more than 600 leaders from around the world to discuss the new world order. In his plenary address, Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg singled our religions as “the cheerleaders of hatred.” The Forum praised Buddhism while denigrating Christianity. Much of what was said echoed author Duane Elgin’s assertion that “knowing our connection with the consciousness of the living cosmos…[provides the] foundation for the global culture.” Speaking for the youth leaders present, Harvard student Bill Burke-White said:

“This community [of today’s students]…has no tolerance for dogmatism and fundamentalism…we were born into an awakening Earth…. Imagine…a world which has realized the many youth organizations that share these heart-felt visions for the new millennium….”