Nuggets from "An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith" by Dave Hunt |

Dave Hunt

Nuggets from “An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith” by Dave Hunt

The oldest part of the biblical text dates back about 3,500 years and the newest about 1,900 years, yet it remains as valid and relevant as when it was written. Not a word or concept is outdated by the progress of civilization or science. One can find no other literature of the same time period of which that can be said.

There is not one word in the Bible that reflects the ignorance or superstition of the culture or the time in which it was written. Moses, for example, who wrote the first five books of the bible, lived around 1600 BC. He was raised in Pharaoh’s palace and given the best education available in the Egypt of that day. That means he was schooled in many grossly unscientific notions that were fully believed by Pharaoh’s counselors at that time. Yet not one of these errors appears in the writings of Moses. Instead, there is a wisdom and understanding that is foreign to, and far beyond, the culture of that time—something that could not possibly be the case had he not, as he claimed, been inspired of God in what he wrote.