Nuggets from "An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith by Dave Hunt

Not some force, but a personal being of infinite intelligence and without beginning must have designed and created the universe. This is not the impersonal “first cause” of philosophy, or the competing, capricious, and evolving “gods” of paganism, much less the “Force” of Star Wars. The Creator can only be the “I AM” who revealed Himself to Moses at the burning bush (Exodus:3:14), the self-existent One without beginning or end, of whom Moses in the Bible says, “From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God” (Psalm:90:2).

Obviously, intellect and personality are entirely different from matter and not the stuff out of which it is made. Therefore, the universe is neither part of God nor an extension of God. This means that everything we can see, whether with the naked eye, with a telescope, or with an electron microscope, came from nothing. That is impossible, but we are driven to this conclusion by logic itself. To imagine, however, that life and intelligence sprang spontaneously of its own initiative and power from dead, empty space would be totally irrational. Therefore, something other than the universe and its components must have always existed.

No, not something but Someone, without beginning or end. But why Someone? It is self-evident that the universe, from the structure of the atom, space, and galaxies, to a cell, the smallest living unit, exhibits its order and a magnificent intricacy of design that only an infinite intelligence could have planned and put together. It is axiomatic that no thing or force or “higher power” has the ability to think and plan and organize. Furthermore, the human race is composed of individual personalities who possess the ability to conceive conceptual ideas, express them in words or designs, and turn them into intricate structures foreign to nature. They have the ability, as well, to experience love and hate, joy and sorrow, justice and injustice, and to reason about their very existence and destiny. Only an infinite Person could create persons.