Nuggets from "An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith" by Dave Hunt - A Clear Choice to Make |

Dave Hunt

Nuggets from “An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith” by Dave Hunt – A Clear Choice to Make”

The choice we face is not, as many imagine, between heaven and hell. Rather, the choice is between heaven and this world. Even a fool would exchange hell for heaven; but only the wise will exchange this world for heaven. One cannot have both – “all this and heaven, too.” One cannot live both for God and for self. Many who call themselves Christians find it difficult to resist the temptations of this world and to live wholly for Christ.

Why should it be difficult to choose life instead of death, joy instead of sorrow, eternal fulfillment instead of remorse, God’s truth and love instead of Satan’s lies and destructive lusts? The choice is only difficult for those who are deceived by Satan, and who thus, in believing this liar, doubt and dishonor God. What an insult it is to their heavenly Father for Christians to act as though surrendering to God’s will were a great sacrifice – as though exchanging the world for heaven were a bad bargain.

Motivation is a key element. One powerful motivation comes through comparing the length of eternity with one’s brief life on this earth. Only a fool would trade the heavenly and eternal for that which is earthly and temporal – and, remember, one cannot have both. “Christians” who habitually live for what they can accumulate and enjoy in this present world, instead of “lay[ing] up treasures in heaven” (Matthew:6:19-12) as Christ commanded, deny with their lives the faith they profess with their lips.

Those who repeatedly, in the daily choices they face, opt for this world instead of for heaven, should not be surprised when God gives them for eternity the choice they have made. How can one complain if he is not taken in the next life to the heaven he consistently rejected in this one? Someone has said there are only two kinds of people in the world: 1) those who say to God, “Not my will but Thine be done,” and 2) those to whom God says, “Not My will, but thine, be done.” What a tragedy to be chained for eternity to one’s own will instead of His – forever imprisoned with self and separated from God.