Nuggets from "An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith" by Dave Hunt - God Loves Us in SPITE of Who We Are" |

Dave Hunt

Nuggets from “An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith” by Dave Hunt – God Loves Us in Spite of Who We Are

We often find it difficult, especially in trying circumstances, to rest in God’s great love for us – no doubt because deep in our hearts we know how unworthy we are. Christian psychology tries mistakenly to cure this sense of unworthiness by persuading us that we are worth it after all. One leading televangelist claims that Christ’s death on the cross proves that “we really are somebodies!” No, Christ didn’t die for somebodies but for unworthy sinners. A Christian psychologist calls the cross “a foundation for self-esteem.” Another adds, “If we hadn’t been worth it He wouldn’t have paid the price.” On the contrary, the price was paid to redeem us from sin, not to establish our worth. That the sinless Son of God had to die upon the cross to redeem us shouldn’t make us feel good about ourselves but deeply ashamed, for it was our sins that nailed Him there.

This humanistic, self-inflating gospel is being increasingly embraced by evangelicals. Jay Adams points out the horrible error of teaching that what God does for us is “a response on His part to our significance rather than an act of His love, free mercy, goodness, and grace!”