Nuggets from An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith by Dave Hunt - The Traditions of Men |

Dave Hunt

Nuggets from An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith by Dave Hunt – The Traditions of Men

The Galatian problem remains (in varying degrees) within some so-called Hebrew-Christian or Messianic congregations today. There is often a tendency to imagine that a return to Jewish customs (even by Gentiles) makes for greater sanctity. Extrabiblical traditions are honored, for example, in the seder ceremony at Passover, as though inspired by God. Scripture alone must be our guide, to the exclusion of manmade traditions, which Christ condemned (Matthew 1-9; Mark:7:9-13), as did the apostles (Galatians:1:13-14; Colossians 2.8; 1 Peter:1:18). Traditions that developed over the centuries have led to great error within both Catholicism and Protestantism.

We must ever remember that Christ intended the church to be something new and separate from Israel. It would neither partake of nor interfere with God’s promises to His earthly people, promises that will be fulfilled in their time. The church would be separate, too, from Israel’s religious ordinances. Here, again, the cults have gone astray.

Mormonism, for example, pretends to have both an Aaronic and Melchisedec priesthood. On the contrary, in the church every believer is a priest (1 Peter:2:9) and the sacrifices offered are “praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name” and “to do good” (Hebrews 13: 15-16).

In fact, there are no longer any propitiatory sacrifices offered for the forgiveness of sins because the church was made possible by the one sacrifice of Christ upon the cross. That sacrifice is never to be repeated because it paid the full penalty demanded by God’s justice and made it possible for God to “be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus” (Romans:3:26). Consequently, “there is no more offering for sin” (Hebrews:10:18). The grave error of the “sacrifice of the Eucharist” or the Mass is in the claim that Christ is still being “immolated” in sacrifice for sin.