Question: I’ve noticed that you have appeared as speaker at conferences along with women speakers. Doesn’t this go against the biblical injunction that women are not to teach men? |

TBC Staff

Question: I’ve noticed that you have appeared as speaker at conferences along with women speakers. Doesn’t this go against the biblical injunction that women are not to teach men?

Response: We believe the Bible opposes women as pastors. A woman is not to teach or to usurp authority over men.

We have spoken at several conferences where a woman has also spoken. However, the women have not presented doctrinal teaching or taken authority over men who were present. They have presented documentation of evils within the church, such as New Age teaching, psychology, Kingdom Now and Replacement teachings, etc.

It is common at many conferences for women to conduct a workshop, to present factual information, for example, and we have found them to be very efficient in doing so. In our opinion, this seems to be outside what is prohibited in God’s Word.