Pagan's Borrowing Christianity |

TBC Staff

Paganism, Wicca, Druidism, and witchcraft are on a growth trend. What is interesting, however, is that the new paganism bears nearly no resemblance to the paganism falsely believes they are following. In "Is New Paganism Actually Pagan?: The modern practice of this ancient belief embraces the innovations of Christianity," [the authors] point out:

"Modern pagans reject ancient paganism. They find solidarity with the idea of human equality and dignity, see the natural world as a place of order rather than of chaos, and call for sexual restraint, the protection of children and disadvantaged groups, the end of slavery, mindless conquest, and human sacrifice. To this extent, they are embracing the innovations of Christianity.”

"After all, it was Christianity and not paganism, as historian Tom Holland has explained, that taught that men, women, and children, slave or free, share the imago dei. It was St. Patrick, not the Druids, who believed and taught Ireland that “the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” and not subject to hostile spirits who are appeased by bloodletting. It was Christianity that turned Nordic peoples away from a belief system that committed them to conquest, plunder, and death in battle.  

"In short, all the things that make modern paganism appealing to modern people aren’t pagan.”

The theme we continually see playing out in an attempt to abandon Christianity but trying to continue desiring biblical ethics and morality. It would be easier for the individuals and culture if they would just turn, call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved.