Question: What's the difference between Jesus and God? |

TBC Staff

Question: What do people mean when they talk about Jesus as both Lord and God? What’s the difference? Also, I know about the doctrine of the Trinity, but does that mean that our triune God is the only one, or are there others?

Response: Scripture is very clear in teaching that there is only one Lord, and He is God. Jesus told His disciples to call no one Lord or Master because they had one Master who is God.

As Jesus Himself asked the rabbis, why would David the king call his descendant, the Messiah, Lord, if He were not? The rabbis couldn’t answer because they didn’t understand that the Messiah was God. Not just mighty God, but in fact, the everlasting Father! They crucified Him for claiming to be who He was!

The New Testament clearly calls Jesus “God” a number of times. The best-known example is John:1:1— “…and the Word was God.” It does no good to translate this as “and the Word was a god.” How many Gods are there? Surely only one. Any other god is a false god and not to be worshiped.

Is Jesus a false god? You either must admit that He is a false god and not to be worshiped or served, or you must admit that He is God. Surely He cannot be a true god in addition to the one true God of the Bible! And He is worshiped all through the New Testament. Moreover Jesus cannot be our Savior unless He is God, for both Old and New Testaments declare that God alone is the Savior. Yet Christ is clearly our Savior; therefore, He is God.