Recycled Humanism, Hinduism, and New Age Philosophy |

TBC Staff

[TBC: For the last two weeks of the year our Daily Update will contain excerpts from the most requested articles in past issues of the newsletter. We begin our entries with an excerpt from the July 2007 issue, “The Secret Seduction.”]

The Secretis not a secret at all, but recycled Hinduism, shamanism, and New Age folly. One of many huge lies is its claim: "You create your own reality with your mind." This was the serpent's false promise to Eve-the promise of godhood (Gen:3:5). Embracing that delusion cost Eve and her descendants Eden's paradise-and would have barred mankind from heaven had not Christ died for the sins of the world. In the 6,000 years since Eden, the serpent's promise has not been fulfilled in even one person's life.

Misinformation and false claims follow one another in a dizzying parade of absurdities. Sprinkled throughout the book and DVD is the claim that the Secret is scientifically proved to be true. For example, "It has been scientifically proven that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought."1 When? Where? How?

No scientific tests ever measured positive and negative thoughts, nor could there be any such tests because thoughts are nonphysical and their "power" cannot be measured. Thoughts exist outside the realm of physical science. Nor is there any such thing as "mental science" or a "science of the mind." That fact is only one of many reasons why psychology could never be a science, in spite of decades of claiming that it is.

The bait on the hook of The Secret is stated repeatedly: "The Secret gives you anything you want: happiness, health, and wealth....You can have, do, or be anything you want....We can have whatever it is that we choose." Common sense replies, "Thanks, but no thanks." But millions being introduced to the Secret are excited and eager to make it work for them.

The foundational lies are basically that there is no personal God who created the universe and who makes laws that man must obey. The universe has always been here, yet we create it with our minds through numerous occult laws that exist to serve our selfish desires. One of the most enticing is "the law of attraction": whatever thought (health, wealth, disaster, gain, loss, pain, joy, etc.) you hold in your mind, you will attract to yourself as a reality of your life. We are all gods who create our individual destinies with our thoughts.

The amorality of the Secret ought to be evident to anyone who stops to think. Hitler was no more responsible for the Holocaust than were its victims who collectively created it with their minds. So it was with the Titanic, the crash of every plane, and the victims of every rape and murder.

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