Remedial Reading Would Help |

TBC Staff

[TBC: Here is another Atheist accusation of contradiction in the Bible]:

"Honor thy father and thy mother..."-- Exodus:20:12

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. " -- Luke:14:26

[TBC: These verses have proven to be favorites of skeptics for many years. It is clear that context is always critical, but an atheist will hardly volunteer that context. It is clear that the passage in Luke is dealing with the issue of counting the cost (Luke:14:28).

Consequently, the one who is going to follow the Lord will place the interests of his parents, all his relations, and his own life second to the directives of the Lord. The man who sits down and calculates whether he has enough to complete his building project is like the man preparing to follow the Lord. He knows that the demands of family are great and that putting the Lord first can be construed by his family as hate.

How many missionaries have heard, "What? You are taking my daughter and my grandchildren to a foreign country and endangering their lives. How can you hate us so?"]