Science Says? |

TBC Staff

On the popular game show Family Feud, the host would ask questions, and the contestants would have to give an answer. The host would then call out, "Survey Says," and the answer would show up as one among several in the survey. Anthony Fauci has modified that to address any criticism of his decisions with a sort of "Science Says!" The current administration has followed suit since it seems to satisfy those who know precious little about science. While our nation's leaders are working to reshape the nation to something other than a moral nation, they too appeal to "We are just following the science," whether it is climate change, Critical Race Theory, or transgenderism. So far no actual science has been produced that supports their claims or policy changes. A number of states are passing legislation to prevent medical procedures and pharmaceutical experimentation on under age youth. The reason is simple. They are actually following the science as demonstrated by “A Biologist Explains Why Sex is Binary”:

When biologists claim that sex is binary, we mean something straightforward: There are only two sexes. This is true throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. An organism’s sex is defined by the type of gamete (sperm or ova) it has the function of producing. Males have the function of producing sperm, or small gametes; females, ova, or large ones. Because there is no third gamete type, there are only two sexes. Sex is binary.

Many gender ideologues, however, falsely claim the existence of intersex conditions renders the categories “male” and “female” arbitrary and meaningless. In “Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex” (1998), the historian of science Alice Dregerwrites: “Hermaphroditism causes a great deal of confusion, more than one might at first appreciate, because—as we will see again and again—the discovery of a ‘hermaphroditic’ body raises doubts not just about the particular body in question, but about all bodies. The questioned body forces us to ask what exactly it is—if anything—that makes the rest of us unquestionable.”

In reality, the existence of borderline cases no more raises questions about everyone else’s sex than the existence of dawn and dusk casts doubt on day and night. For the vast majority of people, their sex is obvious. And our society isn’t experiencing a sudden dramatic surge in people born [otherwise]. We are experiencing a surge in people who are unambiguously one sex claiming to “identify” as the opposite sex or as something other than male or female.

Actual science seems to really interfere with the new tall tale about human existence being forced on the public.