Letters | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff


I do pray for you daily for the blessing through your monthly newsletter/magazine. I am in need of help to win more Muslims for the Lord. I have received great blow from the Muslim fanatics as I was beaten seriously and rushed to the hospital for four months. They also killed my four daughters; over 3,500 books were burnt and destroyed in my library….None of these move me (Acts:20:24). AS (Nigeria)

Dear Mr Hunt and TBC,

Please continue sending me TBC each month. The articles, editorials and even the Q&A and Letters sections are all thought provoking. Living in Canada and seeing where this country is going, it’s extremely encouraging to see and hear God’s truth revealed in such a manner. I, too, now seek to live as a Berean, searching the Scriptures regarding every aspect of life. RH (Canada)

Dear Dave,

Yes, this is a “Dear Dave” letter. I have plumbed the depths of you as I have Gene Scott. Your rapid descent into foolish reasoning as you relentlessly hammer away at the bulwark of Christian doctrine, i.e., Calvinism, leaves me no other choice but to ask you to remove my name from your mailing list. Stay with the Catholic stuff, it’s good. The TULIP is impregnable….KM (CA)

Dear Dave,

I have just listened to your debates on Calvinism and, frankly, I’m amazed at your patience with those who, because they have some knowledge of the original languages of Scripture, condescend to those who dare to disagree with their opinions. RC (Canada)

Dear People at The Berean Call,

I am so grateful for your ministry and very much appreciate it. It is getting to be pretty much a voice in the wilderness with the way the world is going these days. Bless you for your firm stand, and the fact that when you respond to people’s angry letters, it is always with a gentle (non-arrogant, non-superior) informative manner. Your books and TBC help with keeping us on the right track, as well as keeping us aware of how people are thinking and what’s going on. VL (Australia)

Dear Dave,

I just listened to your debate with Gary DeMar about Preterism and wanted to thank you for your efforts. Gary is a skilled debater, and some of the questions from the audience were weird. Some of your answers could have been better, but overall I thought you did very well….DeMar accuses people who believe in a future coming of Christ and Rapture of being escapists who do nothing but sit around and wait for the Lord. What an absurd idea. Almost all the work of the church in the world is being done by futurists!…In reality, it is those Christians who never think about the coming of Christ and don’t live their lives in fear of Him and in anticipation of His return who are doing nothing in or for the church. TM (IN)

Dear Dave Hunt and Associates:

As an adult I’ve read and studied the Roman Catholics and see much more [that is] incorrect than I saw as a boy. Your paper is good at pointing out the fatal flaws within that “church.” I see or hear very few who will reveal the wrongs within the Roman Catholic political/religious system as you do. Evangelicals of all stripes are swallowing the ecumenical line, hook, sinker and all! Disaster lies ahead. EB (AZ)

Dear Mr Hunt and all at Berean Call,

Here in the U.K. I feel as if I am watching God’s purposes unfold piece by piece. The proposed European Constitution is almost upon us and so much of our government actions and ideas are so obviously opposed to God’s will and laws....The present very-public row over homosexual clergy in the Church of England is a shameful episode in what is now “Churchianity.” In all the media reports about the church’s stance, the biblical verses concerning God’s abhorrence of the “gay” lifestyle is only mentioned as part of the “conservative” view. Liberals feel that God’s Word needs to be reinterpreted to fit into today’s lifestyle! BB (UK)

Dear Bro Hunt,

God has blessed you with writing on the deep subjects that no one else does. I read every word from cover to cover. As for the harsh letters you get thinking you are a divider of the church—I pray that God will open their eyes to the truth….I always pass your magazine on to a friend. SF (TX)

Dear Friends at TBC,

A pastor once taught us that one grows to love those for whom he prays. We certainly have grown to love and appreciate you folks at TBC! The Berean Call newsletter, the several books from your ministry that we have in our library, and even your receipt-acknowledgement letters so clothed in humility, all join together to encourage our hearts. Thank you for being helpers of our joy! LT (FL)