The Spiral Staircase of Life |

TBC Staff

“And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof” (Genesis:2:19).

Did you know that a spiral staircase is not really a spiral? The width of the loops in a spiral staircase does not change, but the structure winds upwards or downwards. The correct name for this shape is a helix.

You might be familiar with the word helix, as the word that describes the shape of a molecule of DNA. In fact, a DNA molecule is a double helix. The two helices, made of sugars and phosphates, are joined by bases. There are four bases that can be used, often referred to by their initial letters: A, G, C and T. Between the helices, A always bonds with T, and C with G. The order of these four bases determines what that portion of the DNA molecule is for. In fact, these bases act as if they were a 4-letter alphabet. The information spelled out by these letters can be “photocopied”. In order to replicate, the two strands of the DNA molecule separate. So, where there was an A joined to a T, these will now be separate. As new strands are formed to join these original 2 strands, the unbonded A can only join with another T, and the unbonded T with another A. The same happens with a C-G bond. Thus, the new double-helices formed have exactly the same information as the old.

Much more can and will be said about this information. However, it defies logic that such a system could arise from simple molecules by chance, in a manner which we know is thermodynamically impossible. The Bible makes clear that God is the source and the sustainer of such systems.