Witchcraft, Lies, and Football | thebereancall.org

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So Tom Brady says his wife is a witch and her rituals helped the Patriots win the Super Bowl. But she’s a “good witch, “ Brady laughingly told the media. There’s actually no such thing and Brady’s reckless ignorance will now help promote witchcraft and sorcery to an American public that’s already confused enough.

According to Brady, Gisele Bundchen, his supermodel wife, devises rituals for him with miniature altars, special stones, a magic potion, and repeated mantras to bring about the Patriots’ gridiron successes….Whatever works – right?

No, not right. Let’s never forget what people who engage in such superstition are doing. Even “good witches” have dismissed Almighty God in a quest for unlimited power and control to direct life circumstances, even if it involves incomprehensible forces. 

Defying express biblical prohibitions against sorcery and witchcraft (Deuteronomy 18: 9-10; 1 Samuel:15:23; Leviticus:19:31 and elsewhere), practitioners may dabble in these practices casually or experience a power boost (“empowerment”) and summon demonic spirits, intentional or not. These enemy spirits disguise themselves as “angels of light” (2 Cor:11:14) but at some point turn to their end game, which is destruction.

How long before players gather in pre-game circles on the field to invoke, for instance, the Hindu god Ganesh? Brady told the media in 2015 he kept a statue of this pagan idol in his locker as a “remover of obstacles.”

How long before sports betting has a sorcery component? After all, if Brady and his wife can effect a win (or so he believes), why can’t gamblers seek such foreknowledge and reap the monetary rewards? Ah, the sleazy face of modern prophecy. Elijah would recognize this for what it is—false faith in direct rebellion against the Lord.

Does God really care about professional football? If it gives a platform for Christian testimony or develops the peacetime skills of wannabe warriors, it may serve a purpose. Otherwise, the secular pastime of football consumes scads of masculine time and energy that might be better used, and remains mostly devoid of long-term godly goals….I wrote about Brazil a few years ago in a chapter I contributed to the book, On Global Wizardry: Techniques of Pagan Spirituality and a Christian Response….This is the climate where Gisele grew up. Shrines and rituals are commonplace throughout Brazil in a confused amalgam of unbiblical beliefs and practices. Gisele wrote in a recent Instagram post, "Words have power. If love and kindness lie behind these words, they become charged with positivity and can have a magical effect. But if thoughts and words arise from anger or jealousy, they can do a lot of damage….”

Gisele is a follower of Don Miguel Ruiz, a Mexican spiritualist, author of The Four Agreements. He espouses a New Thought “neoshamanistic” philosophy which believes that words have power. So not to speak something is to refuse to give it power. And of course, you can always give something you want power by dwelling on it, saying repetitive phrases (“mantras”) and other self-centered techniques of control outside the realm of God’s will and obedience to Christ.

What’s wrong here? It’s a direct contradiction of authentic Christian faith, where we rely on our loving, omnipotent God for the future, and petition Him through prayer, not rituals, amorphous “energy” or false gods. We seek our heart’s desires that are in line with His will, knowing that ultimately, it’s His decision. And true believers rest in His guidance, because we love and trust Him as Lord and Savior. We are not divine, we do not create reality, and it’s heresy to believe otherwise. Lots of New Thought adherents are quite well-known--Oprah, for instance.
But fame and influence don’t impress God. Just ask Jezebel. Tom and Gisele might want to remember this. Pray for their repentance.