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Title Sourcesort ascending Post date Author
Question: Was Eve made in God's image, too? question and answer May 2024 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Apr 2016 Hunt, Dave
Question: Do we have access to the keys of the kingdom? question and answer Sep 2017 TBC Staff
Question: Should we pray to God for a national revival? question and answer Mar 2020 TBC Staff
Question: What does the Bible mean when it says the disciples "forsook all and followed him"? question and answer Jun 2006 TBC Staff
Question: I've been astonished at how some are predicting 2012 as the end of this era... question and answer Nov 2009 TBC Staff
Question: Are you familiar with the book The Girl Who Could Fly? question and answer Jun 2011 TBC Staff
Question: There seems to be an increase in the reporting among Christians of dreams and visions involving encounters with dead loved ones. What do you think of such stories? question and answer Mar 2008 TBC Staff
Question: Enclosed is an article from Christian Research Journal, 25:1, titled, “Allah Does Not Belong to Islam,” directly contradicting your Q&A of Oct. 1994. Would you please comment on this...? question and answer Apr 2003 TBC Staff
Question: How...can you be involved in writing and promoting fiction (fantasy)? question and answer Sep 1992 Hunt, Dave
Question: I’ve seen televangelists reach their hands out and ask those in the TV audience who want prayer for healing or prosperity to put a hand on theirs on the TV screen and “agree” for an answer from God….Why? question and answer Sep 1995 TBC Staff
Question ....Please answer me. Is not the New Jerusalem, the Bride, with all of its magnificence, saying to us the church to come enjoy the glorious place Christ has prepared for us? question and answer Mar 1998 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Jan 2016 Hunt, Dave
Question: Could you explain what "suffer in the flesh" (1 Peter 4:1) means and whether it is part of God's chastisement? question and answer Jun 2010 TBC Staff
Question: A number of us think you have given more than enough attention to the subject of Calvinism. This should not be the focal point of your ministry! It is time to move on to more edifying subjects.... question and answer Jun 2004 TBC Staff
Question: Did the authors follow Matthew 18 and go to the people mentioned in the book [The Seduction of Christianity] before they wrote it? question and answer Feb 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: I just read C. Fred Dickason’s Demon Possession and the Christian and in it he seems to be saying that a Christian can be demon possessed. Is that the way you see it? question and answer Apr 1994 TBC Staff
Question: Does Antichrist come out of the tribe of Dan? Would we know where the tribe of Dan is located today? question and answer Jan 1997 TBC Staff
Question: It would seem from this verse of Scripture [Exodus 34:28] that none of your staff had read the Bible. If Jesus could not exist without water for 40 days, how come Moses could? question and answer Nov 1999 TBC Staff
Question: Does Satan have to ask permission from God before he can afflict a person? question and answer Aug 2015 TBC Staff
Question: Does God put the United States presidents in power? question and answer Jul 2020 TBC Staff
Question: My husband teaches a men's Bible class in a Baptist Church. He wanted to teach a separate Bible class on Prophecy and was told the subject would not be well received. Why? question and answer Jul 2006 TBC Staff
Question: [composite of several]: You object to the idea that there was any death, even of animals, prior to Adam's sin. Death passed upon all men. Animals aren't mentioned and certainly don't sin. What would preclude animals from dying prior to the fall? question and answer Feb 2007 TBC Staff
Question: I agree that our only creed is the Bible, but we are not to separate ourselves from the brethren [but] to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace…. question and answer May 2005 TBC Staff
Question: I disagree with your answer...regarding the actions of Judge Roy Moore. He should have obeyed the order to remove the Ten Commandments.... question and answer Apr 2004 TBC Staff
Question: Our adult Bible class teacher says Jesus was half God and half man; that God can only act in response to our prayers; and that when the one prayed for isn’t healed it’s because there hasn’t been enough prayer.... Are these ideas biblical? question and answer Jul 1994 TBC Staff
Question: In your December article you wrote that Switzerland and Sweden both turned away Jews trying to escape Hitler’s ovens....I lived in Sweden during all the war years...and never heard of...this.... question and answer Mar 2000 TBC Staff
Question: Believers are spoken of as being “adopted” into God’s Family, but the Bible also speaks of believers being born of God. I don’t understand how a person can become a member of a family by birth and adoption. Can you give me any insight? question and answer Mar 2017 TBC Staff
Question: How can you be sure that your interpretation of the Scriptures is correct, especially when it comes to things that no one can really explain? question and answer May 2008 TBC Staff
Question: In your May article you said that the angels [at the time of His incarnation] had known Christ “as God the Son, one with the Father, for at least 6,000 years by earth time....” I’m sure you must have meant 4,000 years. question and answer Jul 2003 TBC Staff
