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Title Source Post datesort ascending Author
Question: You say that “the Lord will come as a thief in the night” (2 Pt 3:10) refers to the Rapture. If so, why does Revelation 16:15 use the same terminology (“Behold, I come as a thief...”) in relation to Armageddon? question and answer Nov 2003 TBC Staff
Question: Calvinists complain that in What Love Is This? and also in your newsletter you make no distinction, but quote hyper-Calvinists as though they represent all Calvinists. Is that really fair? question and answer Nov 2003 TBC Staff
Question: On page 233 in What Love Is This? you say, “Calvin seems to be denying the eternal Sonship of Christ and His eternal oneness and equality with the Father.” This is false.... question and answer Nov 2003 TBC Staff
News Alert news alert Nov 2003 TBC Staff
Letters letters Nov 2003 TBC Staff
TBC Notes - Profit from the Prophet tbc notes Nov 2003 McMahon, T.A.
Spirits Of The Lie - Audio Newsletter newsletter Nov 2003 TBC Staff
Ten Major Prophecies Concerning the Jews cover article Oct 2003 Hunt & McMahon
Famous Faith Healer Passes On religion in the news Oct 2003 Hunt & McMahon
Do Mormon Writings Contain Accurate Prophecies? contending for the faith Oct 2003 Hunt & McMahon
If The World Hates Jesus... Will It Love You? understanding the scriptures Oct 2003 Hunt & McMahon
Paths in the Sea TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
gratefully dead? TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
No spanking TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
Arrests in China TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
Finding Someone to Blame TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
Does Prophecy Prove Out the Bible or the Quran? cover article Oct 2003 Hunt & McMahon
A New Temple Blooms in Bloomington religion in the news Oct 2003 Hunt & McMahon
What's Wrong With Seeker-sensitive Churches? contending for the faith Oct 2003 Hunt & McMahon
Did You Choose Jesus...Or Did Jesus Choose You? understanding the scriptures Oct 2003 Hunt & McMahon
Dake’s God TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
What teens think TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
the amazing body TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
Just one Jesus TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
Wash your mouth out! TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
The New Paradigm Church TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
The Bible Poem TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
Roots of Terror II TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
The Nonnegotiable TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
Human Behavior TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
