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Title Sourcesort ascending Post date Author
Question: Can unsaved people pray? question and answer Sep 2018 TBC Staff
Question: Isn't being sure you're going to heaven presumptuous? question and answer Feb 2022 TBC Staff
Question: In your book, In Defense of the Faith, I liked your explanation of Isaiah 45:7.... But what about Amos 3:6, "Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?" question and answer Mar 2009 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Mar 2012 Hunt, Dave
Question: How can a Christian who is honestly seeking the truth concerning endtime prophecy ever expect to come to the correct view of this matter when one considers the many positions that are held by those who are really godly saints? question and answer May 1999 TBC Staff
Question: [O]n the concept of predestination and God choosing some for heaven and others for hell, which you vigorously oppose, could you please explain your view in the context of Romans 9:11-23...? question and answer Jun 2002 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Nov 2015 Hunt, Dave
Question: Our pastor preached on Sunday that God crucified Jesus. Does the Bible state this? question and answer Feb 2019 TBC Staff
Question: Aren't you making the gospel too complicated for Catholics? question and answer May 2024 TBC Staff
Question: How could God allow such cruelty to befall mankind, such as the ignorant millions in India suffering starvation, pain, disease, etc., brainwashed into a false religion? question and answer Jun 2006 TBC Staff
Question: I read a report that the SSA had been issuing benefit checks that include "666." If this is true, how important might this be to us? question and answer Jun 2006 TBC Staff
Question: Could you please explain to me whether the soul and spirit are the same? question and answer Aug 2010 TBC Staff
Question: I believe we are born into sin and with a sin nature but are not sinners from birth....I can tell a group of adults and teenagers that we are all sinners but not a group of small children. question and answer Feb 2008 TBC Staff
Question: This may sound like a strange question, but what can you tell me about a low-profile, nameless religious group which hold its meetings in members’ homes and rented halls? The ministers are pairs of homeless itinerants known as “workers.” question and answer Oct 1993 TBC Staff
Question: We are told that “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years...” (2 Peter 3:8);and “a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past...” (Psalm 90:4) What does this mean...? question and answer Apr 2001 TBC Staff
Question: Is visualization okay in sports? question and answer Jun 2018 TBC Staff
Question: In The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren...seems to avoid the subject of prophecy and biblical teaching concerning the last days. Do you get this impression? question and answer Feb 2005 TBC Staff
Question: A “repentance” by Benny Hinn of having taught error in the past and a “renunciation” thereof has been published in Charisma magazine and elsewhere. What do you make of it? question and answer Feb 1994 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Jul 2013 Hunt, Dave
Question [condensation]: I obtained a copy of Edwin Palmer’s book, the five points of calvinism, and...he does say that “...God has foreordained sin.” But why did to tell your listeners just how Palmer arrived at his conclusion? question and answer Oct 2002 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Mar 2015 Hunt, Dave
Question: What does it mean in Isaiah 43:7, when it says that God made us for His glory? If we humans made something for our glory, that would sound arrogant. I know that God is not arrogant. question and answer Mar 2017 TBC Staff
Question: Did Jesus descend into hell or not? question and answer Jan 2018 TBC Staff
Question: I just went to see Paul, Apostle of Christ, and I thought it was the best biblical movie I’ve seen so far... question and answer Apr 2018 T.A. McMahon
Question: How can God send the overwhelming majority of humanity into everlasting conscious torment? question and answer Sep 2007 TBC Staff
Question: Recently I joined a yoga class for fitness and relaxation. During the class, mantras are used....Everyone I have asked seems to think there is no problem with this but I feel uncomfortable and do not know why. question and answer Apr 2012 TBC Staff
Question: You always seem to use the KJV Bible. Why not use the modern translations that are so much easier to understand? question and answer Sep 1992 Hunt, Dave
Question: Undoubtedly the hottest selling book at the moment in Christian circles is The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson....After reading it I came away with some serious misgivings. What is your opinion? question and answer Jul 2001 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith: Was Paul Ignorant or Sarcastic? question and answer Jan 2017 TBC Staff
Question: I am confused about “the dead in Christ shall rise”— what does that exactly mean? question and answer Jan 2019 TBC Staff
