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Title Source Post datesort ascending Author
Unity and Truth feature article Apr 1998 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Mar 1998 Kauffman, C. S.
Question: Enclosed is an article sent to me by a local Catholic apologist [which gives alleged data re the protection of Jews by Catholics during WWII]. If you have time...please check it out and let us know if it is true or a little overplayed. Thank you question and answer Mar 1998 TBC Staff
Question: I disagree with your statements in the December [1997] TBC distinguishing Israel from the church. Paul teaches us in Ephesians 2:11-22 that the church and Israel are “one”... question and answer Mar 1998 TBC Staff
Question ....Please answer me. Is not the New Jerusalem, the Bride, with all of its magnificence, saying to us the church to come enjoy the glorious place Christ has prepared for us? question and answer Mar 1998 TBC Staff
Question: ....I wanted clarification whether those saved after the rapture of His Bride (made up of Jewish and Gentile believers) are part of His church. question and answer Mar 1998 TBC Staff
"Letters" to the Apostle Paul feature article Mar 1998 McMahon, T.A.
Quotable quotable Feb 1998 Bjorlie, John A
Question: Your December [1997] article contained a false statement that could lead many astray: “For [Israel] eternal life came through keeping the Law....” It might be well to publish a correction as this statement could cause confusion. question and answer Feb 1998 TBC Staff
Question: I...never thought I would disagree with you on anything, but—in answering a letter you said, “Jesus had human blood.” If that was true, there would have been no need for the Virgin Birth.... question and answer Feb 1998 TBC Staff
Question: In your July [’97] Q&A you cannot use a parable (the rich man and Lazarus) to support the pagan idea of the immortality of the soul. What scripture do you use to support the idea that the “soul” is a separate entity from the body? question and answer Feb 1998 TBC Staff
Back to the Bible "Code"? feature article Feb 1998 Hunt & McMahon
The Gospel That Saves feature article Jan 1998 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Jan 1998 Havner, Vance
Question: I am a full-blood Indian and I was saved and delivered from all these false beliefs that these men [in the Fall 1997 Native Reflections newsletter] are now advocating. Could you respond to this in your newsletter? question and answer Jan 1998 TBC Staff
Question: I have forwarded a new book to you that is sure to shake the foundations of evangelicalism. It is called How Wide the Divide: a Mormon and Evangelical in Conversation.... I would appreciate your review of it. question and answer Jan 1998 TBC Staff
Quotable quotable Dec 1997 Havner, Vance, Various
Question: In your March newsletter you blasted Kenneth Copeland, John Wimber and the Vineyard churches, the Toronto blessing, the Pensacola revival, Benny Hinn, [etc. Do you] see them all in the same light? question and answer Dec 1997 TBC Staff
Question: You claim to stand firmly against heresy, yet you spoke at John MacArthur’s church.... Isn't that hypocrisy? question and answer Dec 1997 TBC Staff
Question: I started a study on the “bride of Christ” and am very bothered as to why Christians use the could a person...ever get the idea we are Christ's bride? question and answer Dec 1997 TBC Staff
"I Will Build My Church" feature article Dec 1997 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Nov 1997 Blane, William
Question: [My wife's family is Catholic and] we find ourselves in a dilemma when an important family situation comes up which takes place in a Catholic church, such as weddings, funerals, etc. We know T. A. McMahon is a former Catholic. What does he do? question and answer Nov 1997 TBC Staff
Question: In your September newsletter you quoted in its entirety the Promise Keepers article from...Our Sunday Visitor which included the revision in PK’s statement of faith to satisfy Roman Catholics....Would you explain the difference? I don't see it. question and answer Nov 1997 TBC Staff
Question: [You] reported that the Vatican justified expenditures for its telescope by saying it would all be worth it “if just a single alien is converted.”...Shouldn't the gospel be given to extraterrestrials...? question and answer Nov 1997 TBC Staff
Question: [What's happening?] When there was far less social activism and far more “preaching of the gospel” seems like things just got worse in society, just as they have when there is much less gospel and more social activism. question and answer Nov 1997 TBC Staff
Death feature article Nov 1997 McMahon, T.A.
Revival or Apostasy? (original) feature article Oct 1997 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Oct 1997 Moody, D L, Tozer, A W, Various
Question: ....You have stated that the Roman Catholic Church has been in apostasy for 1,500 years. How, then, can apostasy be the sign you claim it to be? question and answer Oct 1997 TBC Staff
