TBC Notes - We Covet Your Prayers | thebereancall.org

McMahon, T.A.

We Covet Your Prayers

Here at TBC, prayer is our number-one priority. Rarely is anything undertaken without bringing it "unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb:4:16). We make no distinction between the menial, routine things and the major tasks or projects when it comes to seeking God's help. We're confident that God makes no such distinctions, either, in providing His grace.

In the abundance of mail we receive, it thrills us every time when someone adds a line or so saying something like, "I pray for your ministry continually."

The last half of this year is filled with things for which we covet your prayers: our first-ever conference here in Bend; my first-ever European speaking tour; Dave's trips to Canada, Brazil, and Russia; wisdom as we consider relocating to quarters here that we would own rather than lease; and certainly, daily protection, provision, and fruitfulness as we seek to glorify the Lord and bless His people.

T. A. McMahon
Executive Director