November 2003 |

November 2003

11-12-2003 THE pursuit of happiness has become a major preoccupation of modern life and now scientists have come up with a nine-point plan to find inner peace. The Journal of Happiness Studies, a quarterly academic publication dedicated to finding out what makes the good life and empirically to investigate well-being,...Read more
TBC Today
Man Says: “The glory! The glory, if I don’t release it I’ll blow up. If I don’t release the anointing I’ll blow up. I’ve got to release it on somebody. The demon must bow to the name of the master Jesus…Yes, Lord I’ll do it! I place a curse on...Read more
TBC Today
The fashion now is to tolerate anything lest we gain a reputation of being intolerant. The tender-minded saints cannot bear to see Agag slain (1 Samuel 15), so they choose rather to sacrifice the health of the church for years to come by sparing error and evil; and this they...Read more
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Islam is today the fastest growing faith in the Western world, and nearly 20 million inhabitants of the European Union are self-avowedly Muslims. If present trends continue, by 2020, Muslims will account for 10 percent of the overall population of Europe and exceed 10 million in America . This population...Read more
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VOM News, 11/3/2003: Mr. Zhang Yi-nan, a Chinese house-church writer and historian, has been sentenced to two years of laojiao—“re-education through labor”—by the Re-education Through Labor Commission of Ping Ding Shan County in Henan Province. He was allowed to see his wife at the gate of the Lu Shan County...Read more
TBC Today
10-22-2003 BALI, Indonesia (Reuters) - The world's most populous Muslim nation was praised Wednesday by President Bush for supporting the war on terror, but he told Indonesia that Islamic extremists had defiled a great religion. Bush, however, ran afoul of leading moderate Muslim clerics during talks on the resort island...Read more
TBC Today
Among the theories inflicted upon the world in the 19th Century is the Documentary hypothesis. This theory was actually fomented centuries earlier and found expression in the 17th Century. This theory teaches that Moses could not possibly have authored the first 5 books of the Bible. It is also referred...Read more
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